Saturday, February 04, 2006

Teasing Baba about her pink tudong (see tag board) and all the while I've been walking around in one. Just kidding! It's a blue scarf that I wear only when I have to go out at night. Why? Three reasons.
1. No one can see it in the dark
2. Head gets cold.
3. Hat is too warm (only for cycling)

And those are my three reasons for wearing a blue tudong at night!

My mummy would go berserk if she knew I like to walk around with a head scarf. She is religious-ist and thinks that wearing headscarves makes people look like suicide bombers who will be shot on sight by members of the secret police who run a nationwide clandestine monitoring programme for foreigners who put cloths on their heads.

The Iranian just gave me a bag of 8 clementines (small oranges). Wow! He got them very cheaply and is apparently going around distributing them to all his friends. I'm happy. It is still the chinese new year festival and I choose to see it as a sign of good luck to recieve 8 oranges. And this guy has absolutely no clue about the significance of oranges or of the number 8. That makes it even better luck. Well, I am ethnically Chinese. And Chinese are perhaps THE most superstitious race in modern times.

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