Sunday, February 19, 2006

Goose, Geese

On Friday night, I tried to bug Anna, the german girl, to watch a musical with me (our flatmate was performing). But sadly, she had a migraine. I tried to bug Rory, but he was broke. Luckily, I managed to bug Mehdi, to go with me.

The musical was quite good, considering that all the people working on it were busy, busy students. It was a comedy not unlike Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. This one loves that one, that one loves the other one. And in the end, everyone pairs up with somebody. That kind. It was quite good entertainment for £5.

On the way back, we were cycling past the fields and the sky was completely clear and the stars were all out. This meant that it was very cold because of the lack of cloud cover. I was trying to hao4 lian4 and pointing out Orion's belt and the winter triangle to Mehdi, forgetting that I only had one hand on the bike. And I almost killed this flock of geese that were wandering the fields. I cycled past them shouting, "Goose! Goose! Goose!" And Mehdi said, "No, it should be 'geese'." I replied, "I was only talking to one of them."

I went caving yesterday. Such a tiring cave. We were in there for 9 hours and came out completely knackered. It was a grade 4/5 cave, 5 being the hardest grade. There were some fantastic formations in there though. It was cold when we emerged. One of the guys, Adrian Turner (same guy who took the minibus photo) had brought his down feather jacket to lend to me because he knew from experience that I'm always very cold after caving. Such a nice fellow who owns a goose. The jacket is so full of feathers that we call it a goose. He was driving that trip and turned up the car heater to maximum on my request. It was like a desert in the car. So hot that halfway back, he stopped the car to strip down to a t-shirt before continuing. In the end, it was simply too hot and the rest of the people were sweltering so the heat got turned down. Maybe I should pack warmer clothes next time. I mostly don't bring enough warm stuff because I don't like having to take the big bag along.

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