Thursday, February 02, 2006

My life is study, study and more study. Ah... sweet life.

I had a geeky arguement (ok, more like debate. but "arguement" sounds more exciting) with Rory just now. We were yakking over whether or not people in jail are part of society. My stand was yes. He thought no. We just couldn't agree. And at last I asked the crucial question, "Why are we arguing about this?" He said," Dunno, just felt like it."

The Iranian guy tried to show me an equation that starts with Time=Money and concludes by "proving" that Women=Problems. I'd seen this psuedo-equation before in emails that my spammer auntie sends me. I re-wrote the equation to "prove" that Man= lots of problems and stupidity. Then I dismantled the equation by exposing the false and inaccurate assuptions in it. Such as, Money=square root of Problems. And then I asked him that since he believed Women wasted time, money and caused problems, if he prefered Men instead. He said I was a dangerous person and laughed. Come to think of it, he didn't actually say no...

I love this guy. He reminds me so so much of the lovable Azeena. He even looks horrified and asks me to stop when I swear. Even when I was just reading to him from a storybook (The Satanic Verses). How can you not like such a person? It's been so long since I had somebody to shock and scandalise with my foul-mouthed speech. I didn't realise how much I missed that look of utter scandal and horror on lovely Azeena's face when I used to say "Fuck" for no other reason than to shock her. And of course, the Puritan ah boy provides me with such entertainment too. I suppose I am perverse in this way. But it's like the forbidden fruit. The more you are not allowed to have something, the more you want it. Which is why both the Iranian guy and I are so interested and curious about The Satanic Verses. Because it is banned in both our countries. I think it was some Iranian religious leader who first started banning it. Yes, forbidden fruit tastes best.

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