Saturday, January 28, 2006

Studying and reading in the kitchen for prolonged periods has it's unexpected perks. I have spoken more to my flatmates in the past week than I had the whole of last term. Especially Anna, Rory and Mehdi. It has been nice getting to know them better. You all know how I am with new people. Not very good at all. I just have to be allowed time to get familiar with people before I feel comfortable enough to have proper conversations with them. I'm getting there. It helps that they are interesting people with lots of stories to tell me. Stories of different countries, cultures and, of course, food.

Chinese New Year is coming soon. I wish I was back home. I can't tell you how tempted I was to purchase an air ticket to fly back just for the CNY weekend. It was about £420 for a return trip. I clicked on the "confirm booking" button and almost, almost clicked on the "confirm payment" button after keying in my card details. But good sense took over my melancholic fingers and made them click on "cancel transaction" instead. My mother would have killed me if I had wasted £420 to fly back for one and a half days. Well...

I had a sudden bimbotic urge to paint my nails to match my red coat today. So I did. I've painted them red with blue edges. Red like my coat, blue like my hairband. Now I'm colour-coordinated, albeit in badly matched colours. It must be the stress and the archaeological theories messing up my mind and common sense.

Too bad there is no one to save me. And I'm not even sure I want to be saved from insanity. Reativism, dear friends. What seems mad to you, is perfectly normal and natural to me.

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