Monday, December 19, 2005

Hello everyone! This is the second post courtesy for KL International airport. I've ben stuck here for more than 3 hours. I'm so shag tired. 12 hour flight plus 3.5 hour wait is not funny at all. The damned flight to Singaproe got delayed by half an hour. I wish someone like LL or Jun was here to play the tudong game with me!

I tried to find some food because I'm so hungry but everything is overpriced and unappetising, just like airport food should be. The food on the plane from Manchester was so bad. The cod fish was like a block of wood pulp moulded together with water and potato starch. Oh help, I'm dying of starvation. I am so going to stuff myself when I get to Singapore.

There is this TV screen here at the airport sitting place (not classy enough to deserve the title of "lounge") that is playing an amatuerish video of Malay dancers over and over and OVER again. These dancers supposedly perform here on thursdays. The rest of the time, this horribly annoying video is repeated again and again and AGAIN. ARGHHHH!!!! I think I know all the dance steps already.

My flatmate emailed me this bizzare webpage with pictures that show evidence of the intelligence of the Human race.
It seems that I am not the only bored person around.

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