Saturday, October 29, 2005

A wonderful feeling as I write the 565th word of my essay. I haven't written anything academic in such a long, long time. I am determined to finish the essay tonight. As it gets later and later, I write better and better. I have always been a night person. There is no use trying to write in the morning. It's like trying to do a side parting on my permanently centre-parted hair.

And tonight is the most ideal night of the year for writing. Why? Because tonight, clocks go back an hour! I am so excited! It's my first time experiencing daylight savings time in person. So starting tomorrow, I will be 8 hours behind Singapore time instead of seven. Not that it matters to anybody back home. Nobody calls me anyway. Skype is the way to go if only because it is free.

I find myself looking a lot at the mirror these days. Just to see a face. (see previous post) I don't think it is very healthy. Living alone will take some time to get used to.

There was an unusual conversation between the half English-half Swiss guy and the Iranian guy in the kitchen this afternoon. Topic of debate was whether Iran should be allowed to develop nuclear capability. The Iranian used the analogy: Cars lead to accidents but the main purpose of a car is for transport. Should you prevent people from having cars just because there are accidents? He also said something along the lines of how it wasn't right that countries like US, China, India have nuclear capabilities themselves are trying to stop Iran developing its own. The other guy's line of argument went somewhere along the lines of: if Iran were to be able to develop nuclear technology, the situation in the middle east would become so unstable that a single pin drop would most likely result in nuclear Armageddon. Still, it was quite a calm "conversation" throughout which I was silent and sat eating my bread. I find these fellas very interesting.

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