Thursday, October 20, 2005

I've just come back from the Sports Centre on campus where I attended my very first Caving Club training session. It was quite fun. The best way to describe it would be like rock climbing without the rock wall. I went up this rope which was attached to a beam near the roof of the sports centre. Because you don't have a wall like in rock climbing, you have a much higher chance of spinning round and round on the rope so I was a little bit seasick after that. I'm going on a caving trip this saturday. I'll tell you all about it.

I skyped with doggy before I went for the caving training. Doggy is a lousy gossip person. She doesn't know any juicy rumours at all. LL, where are you?

Oh, and can somebody like LL please check up on XY? She seems to be getting into all sort of uncomfortable and (in my opinion) not very safe situations. Maybe some good advice on how to avoid trouble would be useful. No offence to XY, but when it comes to putting yourself in risky situations, you haven't learnt the power of "NO, fuck off"

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