I shall indulge you with these lovely photos. They were taken about 2 weeks ago when my parents were still here to drive me around the Yorkshire country. The first few aren't very nice because they were taken with my father's 3.2 megapix camera. (so last year...). The later ones are nice cos they were taken with my trusty little 5.1 (so last month, I know).
I went to a Castle Howard on a foggy day. It was too foggy for any photos of the castle itself to be any good. Luckily, photos taken in the castle gardens turned out just fine. I walked down the passageway into the Secret Garden.

Here are some flowers that you don't get to see alive in Singapore.

Roses always look better alive and attached to a plant rather than dead and wrapped in some shiny paper.

Here's the famous Whitby Abbey which was once the lair of Dracula, if you believe Bram Stoker. The day I was there, it was misty and clammily cold. The dark imposing facade of the gothic ruins were truly impressive. Very atmospheric. As my watch ticked dangerously close to sunset time, I hurried my parents out of the place. Just in case the undead Count was still hanging around the place. You can never be too careful.

I also visited a waterfall somewhere in the yorkshire dales. I'm particularly proud of this photo. Looks like one of those waterfall calendar photos. I must be a real genius to make shitty brown water look so good.

The Yorkshire Dales is a beautiful place. Here, you can see the shade of green that grass was meant to be. You can see the little stone wall that you've always read about in story books. It's so beautiful that it makes you really contemplate Creation and Creator. No wonder cows go mad.

And in some places, heather lends the hills fiery colours.

Here is a picture of just 0.09% of the ducks on campus. It is believed that duck shit holds up the bridges crossing the lake.

This is York Minster which located very near King's Manor in the city where I have my lectures and seminars etc. It's too big to capture fully in one photo. Buildings like these were built to impress.

An ancient city wall surrounds the city centre. You can walk on it. These structures play a very important role in my navigation system. As long as I can see them, I can tell whether I'm in the city or outside it. This is significant as I spend 60% of my time being lost.

This is also a very important landmark. It's Clifford's Tower. I know it as The Thing On The Hill. When I see it, I know that it is time for me to get off the bus so that I will be on Clifford's Street. Getting lost is really a pain in the ass.

This is King's Manor, the medieval building in the city where I study. Tourists visit all the time but only students and university staff have access to all parts of the building.

Ok. That's all I'm prepared to upload for your viewing pleasure. It's too tedious. Of course, I have about a million more pictures but these are the pick of the lot. Regarding requests for pictures of my room, I'll think about it. Maybe when I'm bored.
1 comment:
i like pictures!
mehhhh. just do architecture laaa
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