Saturday, May 14, 2005

yesterday night was bump out night. this refers to the packing up of all props, costume, lights etc from the theatre and taking it all back to the theatre company's place and unpacking everything and putting them back in their respective storage areas. bloody hell. I reached home at 2.45am. And i had to eat "dinner" at 2am at this coffeeshop place where there were lots of really ugly hookers. yucks. i almost puked out my food when the hooker gangs made their entrances.
Urgh! let's not dwell on distasteful subjects. Think of nice, happy things. Like my paycheque! My happy paycheque. I'll use it to pay for some of my expenses when I go overseas to study.
And now, life can go back to normal. I'll regrow some brain cells and start wearing blue clothes again. All black was too depressing and hot. And I can also meet friends again. Life is good once again.

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