Sunday, April 24, 2005

Utterly insulted by undisguised rudeness

I just received an "invitation" letter from AJ inviting distinguished service award winners to an award presentation on college day. The letter can only be described as incredibly rude. An unprovoked attack on the maturity and character of ex-AJ students who will be acknowledged as outstanding leaders by the school ( a sentence filled with scarasm and irony if you didn't notice).
Here are few extracts from the letter which is printed on yellow paper. ( for formal invitations, white or ivory is usually the standard)

"Please report at "1.00pm sharp in LT1"* on the said day for a rehearsal of the prize-giving ceremony. Please take note that you will not be allowed to receive the award on stage if you report too late and miss the rehearsal."

*this part is underlined

"As this is a formal occasion, we will be following a strict dress code appropriate for such an occasion: plain light-coloured long-sleeve shirt, dress pants, tie and formal shoes for males; formal light-coloured blouse and skirt or dress and court shoes for females. (No** jeans, Bermudas, mini-skirts, T-shirts, spaghetti straps and see-through blouses, sports/track shoes or slippers permitted). We regret that award recipients who are not appropriately dressed will not be allowed on stage.***"

** this word is in bold
*** this sentence is in bold

What an insulting letter! If it was really a formal occasion, I would have expected the "invitation" letter to be far more respectful in its tone and, of course, for it to be printed on better paper. Not something that looks so cheap and trashy. (I'm nitpicking here but surely you see my point) If you look at the letter, you can very cleary see that the the main emphasis is not on inviting someone to recieve an award but on threatening to withold the award if the person does not turn up appropriately dressed! Talk about rudeness! The use of bold text and the thinly vieled threats exposes Ms XXX XXXX XXX from the College Day Awards Committee ( as stated at the bottom of the letter) as totally lacking in class and as someone who views everyone as a disobedient, deliquent student. Urgh! I am so disgusted and completely insulted. I don't think anyone will actually turn up after receiving such a rude letter. Only those who want to get their faces into AJ magazines will make the effort to show up. Since there is the option of turning up to collect the award from the office after the "ceremony", award receipients who don't like to be insulted should all do so.

This event should be boycotted.

Most people in AJ are very nice and occasionally you find someone with class. However, as the organising committee of the "21st College Day 2005" demonstrates, the college still has a long, long way to go in terms of getting mutual respect between teachers and students , teachers and ex-student as well, for that matter.

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