Friday, April 01, 2005

I did some work today. Well, sort of. If slacking around in your parents office can be called work. My mother said she would pay me 30 buck a day to do odd jobs in the office. That is pretty peanuts pay but like any good econs student, I considered the compensating differentials ( is that what it's called? can't really recall). Even though I get paid only 30 bucks, being my parents, they have to pay for my food and snacks and they won't be allowed to bully me. I also took into the account the fact that i'll be able to use the nice, nice printer anytime. cool "job" and the timing is so flexible. Basically, I work when I feel like it and sleep when i don't. Damn am I a spoilt brat.

I was supposed to file the payment vouchers for the 12 months of 2004 but I only managed about 5 months when Steven called me away from the filing. We went to OG and bought bed sheets and comforters for this apartment that as to be done up to be rented out. Then, we had lunch. After that, we picked up my grandmother and went to Mount Elizabeth to consult with a specialist about her maybe cancer, maybe not tumour thing in her lung.

I was quite surprised when I received an April Fool sms from xinying after that. Somehow, thinking about lung cancer, surgery, CAT scans, PET scans and pet cats just saps away a person's humour. I had almost forgotten that it was April Fools Day. How could I? I guess you really need lots of buddies around to be able to enjoy such "occasions". Of course you also have to not think about suspicious lung tumours that stil have doctors scratching their heads after a CAT scan and two needle biopsies. Argh.. out of my mind I banish thee unhappy thought!

We then went to the apartment that had to be made to look nice. It's a unit in UE square. If you have ever seen the development, you will know that it boasts some of singapore's most cement bloock looking architecture. Every thing is dull and greyish and looks like the building that Neo and Trinity busted into the save Morpheus in The Matrix. That's why I didn't believe Steven when he said that it had been designed by the late architect legend, Kenzo Tange. So, Steven told the story. Haha apparently, United commisioned Tange to design the development and agreed to pay him a certain amount. Then, United decided it want to cut costs and decreased the architect's fee. Naturally, Tange got pissed off and made little "improvements" and "modifications" to his plans. The result is a architectural monstrosity that strangely has little signs of potential greatness that fell flat on it's face.

Interesting world we live in.

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