Class 31/03 on the last official day

Sancia forced me to take this picture. I'm smilling because she tickled me.

Yesterday was my last official day as a student of AJC. It was, how shall I put it, a very fulfilling day.
For the farewell assembly, I had to wear a white long sleeved shirt cos I had to get some CCA award (you can see this in the pics. LL, Jason, zhao n seng hong too) The night before I'd already tried it on with the tie and I knew I was gonna get heat stroke. So I bathed with cold water in the morning and drank 2 cups of icy water. Sadly, it only worked for a while. Sitting in the non air-con hall is a very heaty thing. Sitting next to hyperactive, giggly people is like being next to friendly, touchy feely steam irons. By the time I went up to shake the person's hand, I was super grouchy. From the audience, Raf said I looked like I was going to beat someone up. Cool. (no, that's not right. very hot is more like it)
Then, we went to our home room to get our exam entry proof and prelim cert. A wonderful sense of great achievement and utter exuberance descended upon us. JC was over and done with and everyone looked quite alive and well!
Surprisingly, nobody wanted to go fly kite with Liling and I so we abandoned the idea.
In the evening, I met with LL, Xinying and Zhao for seafood dinner at Marina. Very Fun! Can take all the food you want!!! Of course, a lot of stupid things happened to us. Like excited prawns jumping in the boiling water and splashing us. Prawns should just learn how to relax you know... enjoy the warm bath and let us cook them in peace.
After dinner, we walked to the waterfront and bothered some couples. Xinying and LL's parents called them to ask them to go home and they both said they were waiting for the bus. So funny ah... standing by the river bank waiting for a bus. I wanted to help them flag down a passing boat.
During the walk, Xinying suggested playing truth or dare. Being the unbearably smart ass I am, I knew then that she had some funny business up her sleeve and that I was the target. Come on lah... why would anybody want to play dare out in a dark deserted field??!? And of course LL has no secrets and Zhao tells her everything. haha silly girl, thinking she could fool me with such a simple "ploy".
I was right of course, she did know something that she thought I didn't know and tried to get me to ask her cos she herself didn't know whether she wanted to tell me or not. Haha so amusing lah. Actually, it was quite sweet of her, caring so much about something that concerns me but which, in fact, doesn't concern me at all! Confusing? try to work it out... you can do it!
So when I reached home, I purposely SMSed her to provoke her into spitting out whatever she wanted to but also didn't want to say. I know her so well, SMS really can provoke emotional responses from her. She tried to avoid the question and asked me to go sleep but I accused her of wanting to hai4 me and sure enough I got a call from her 2 seconds later to scold me for being mean. So typical Xinying. Cares more about friendship than anything else. Awww... So I decided not to torture her anymore and I said sorry and had a nice long icy bath.
Am I a psycho? Dunno... I'm just very intuitive and sometimes find it really funny that people think I don't know stuff that I've always known. Sorry if this really mucks up your logical brain.
I was very high and it felt as if nothing could spoil my good mood for a long long long time. I was so high that I had to wake up at 4am and go sleep on the floor in my mummy's room. Actually that was because my room had no aircon cos meiemi was sick.
Had a series of werid dreams featuring xinying, liling, yingzhao, roy, lots of jumping prawns and, for some unknown reason, blue corn.
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