Friday, September 30, 2005

This post is courtesy of KL International Airport's wireless internet service.

I only slept about 15-30mins last night. I wanted to go the airport early to meet Sinny who madly camped there for the night to see me off in the morning. However, my parents Kay Kiang and calculated that it would be cheaper for us to go together in a maxi cab. In the morning, we spent about half an hour trying to book a maxi cab in vain. Ended up taking 2 separate normal-sized cabs. I suppressed my urge to say "Obi good! Those who don't listen to me always suffer"

At the airport, Sinny came along but we barely had time to talk. Reason: baggage 36 kg overweight. Excess baggage charge= $77/kg. So I dragged the big orange suitcase down a level to a place where they could cargo your baggage. The guy there quoted us the nice, friendly sum of $1093 for the 39kg orange suitcase. I thought, "Screw it" So I dumped my printer, opened up the orange suitcase, extracted the essentials and dumped it into the small silver one that the printer had been occupying. The whole world got to view the embarrassing contents of the orange suitcase but I had to do it. If not, my big blue teddy bear would have been left behind. Once again, I suppressed the urge to say," If I had my way, I wouldn't have packed my whole life into the suitcase" But what can you do when mummy keeps pushing drugs to you? "Bring more Panadol! Here you go, 10 tubes of Vitamin C tablets."

A sad result of all the mess was that I didn't really have time to talk to poor Sinny with the bloodshot eyes (comes from camping over at airports). I felt bad. Luckily, we did have time to ring up Doggy and LL to wake them up just for the kick of it. !Belle switched off her phone and was thus saved from being woken up early in the morning for no reason.

Sinny wants me to get a black guy with nice eyes for her. I'll see what I can do about it. She also said that she wouldn't like it if I came back with an ang moh boyfriend. So I suggested pretty blondies instead and she was fine with it. Everybody likes blondies because they are nice.

I said bye to Sinny and my Popo who was also sending me off. After clearing customs, I called XY to wake her up for no reason. I promised to miss her when I have nothing better to do.

A while more and I shall be boarding the plane to Manchester Airport. It's going to be a very long flight 13-14 hours. No, motion sickness doesn't mean being sick when you pass motion.

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