Monday, June 13, 2005

WOW! Hello everybody! To think I'm actually blogging. I've been so busy with work that email is all I have time for nowadays. I work from tuesday-sunday and usually get monday off. yesterday, however, the stage manager called to say that she could manage on her own and I didn't have to go to work. So i had both yesterday and today off which is great!
I think I'm a workaholic. I really quite enjoy my work and the people here are so much easier to get along with than at the last job. after the initial two weeks, i started to talk to people so i'm not that ignored anymore.

The director has turned out to be possibly the nicest director in the world. He is so polite and nice. The type who says thank you to everybody and respects everyone's opinion. one of the actresses and I were wondering if this was the way all aussie directors worked.
*The production involves an aussie-born chinese director, an aussie-born chinese actor and an ang moh aussie actor.
Two filipino actors including one who is based in the UK. There is also a temporary stand-in actor who is a filipino
The aussie-born chinese actor and one of the filipino actors are trained doctors in their respective countries.
Interesting what doctors get up to. I wonder why they went to med school in the first place.

The aussie-chinese actor (ex-doctor) was telling a little story about how hard it is to get old people into hospital wards.

He was trying to get an 84 year old man who had just had a heart attack into a hospital ward. He called Cardiology. Cardiology told him that as the man was 84 years old, he was Geriatrics's problem. He called Geriatrics who said that the old man belonged to Cardiology. He told Geriatrics what Cradiology had said and they said to try some other department. Eventually, he called back to Cardiology and insisted that they ward the patient. So Cardiology said, " Ok, tell us more about the patient." So he said, " He's an 84 year old man who had chest pains while having sex. He clearly belongs in the cardiology ward." And the Cardiology people were so surprised, " Weel, if his young enough to be having sex... we'll take him"

So I guess the point of the story is that an active sex life can be beneficial to health. Especially in old age.
jun, wen and ah boy. Now you know what to do if you need to be hospitalised while in aussieland.

I watched Unleashed today. I really like Jet L moviesi. He can really fight. And his moves are the real deal. Not like jackie chan's nonsensical fumbling fake kung fu. In this movie, the fight scenes were really cool. When jet li whacks a guy up, he really whacks a guy up. There was a bit more emotional depth in this movie than in his previous ones. It was obvious that he was trying his best as an actor to portray emotions. But he didn't do too well in the department. I don't think his wushu training encouraged him to be emotional. He should just stick to fighting.

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