Friday, February 25, 2005

tuesday was the final of the inter-house drama competition at AJ. the team i mentored, Cougar House, won Best Costume and the lamer R.I. boy was Best Actor. I was laughing my lungs out when they announced it. the judges actually like lamers. i found out later that it was a split decision. the other boy being considered for best actor was from jaguar house and also an R.I. boy. Best Play award was also a split decision between cougar and jaguar and it eventually went to Jaguar. I'm proud of myself. not bad directing considering i've never acted on stage unlike the other mentors.
O level results will be out on monday. my cousin Aaron says he has only two more days to live. I want to go to cresent girls' school to "help" collect adela's results. i want to kaypo.
A level results. I wonder when they will be released. soon, soon. so i don't have much time to live either.

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