Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I've been out in the field working the past two days. First day, we were at Burdale doing geophysical survey with cool machines. The RM15 Resistivity meter and the FM 3.6 Gradiometer. RM15 passes a current into the ground and measures the resistance while FM measures the magnetic susceptibility and magnetic orientation of the ground. Cool stuff

Today, we were at a graveyard just outside Leeds doing recording of grave monuments. I did quite a bit of hacking and clearing away of weeds and stuff. Climbing all over gravestones. This sort of thing would be considered such bad luck back home. If my grandmother or mummy were here, they would probably have pomegranate leaves and water waiting for me at the doorstep. Wash off the bad luck before you enter the house.

It's very tiring but nice to be out in the fresh air in the summer. Pity most of my group members are heavy smokers so the air is not as fresh as it actually is. But the good thing is that they're all serious about work and not the kind who like slacking about.

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