Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Jun asked me out to take photos in Orchard Rd tonight. I told her I already had a date with my girl so I had to call her to ask first. Predictably, Jun said, "EEEWWW..."
My two newest "things" are taking lots of photos of stuff and calling XY my Girl. (Darling, you touched?) haha say EEEEWWWW and say GAY...

The other day, my father bought me a sexy new toy. Yes, please read it carefully. It's :Sexy New Toy. Not: New Sex Toy. (alright, I will stop being dirty minded for a while) Anyway, it's a sleek and blue portable hard drive. LL had an amazing business idea when we were talking about the porn movies she had on her laptop. Provide a porn download service in campus halls. Put word out in the halls that porn is available. Paste a sign: BYOTD on your door. Bring Your Own Thumb Drive. It will be so fantastic if I do that when I go away to York again. Imagine a sudden outbreak of Korean Porn movies among York Uni students that can be traced all the way back to LL's laptop. Gosh! Surely, fame and notoriety beckon.

Life might be hotting up again and I don't mean the weather (thank God). I'm going to Cameron Highlands, Malaysia with my grandparents (father's side) on Thursday night. I'm being held responsible for them and will have to bring them around strawberry farms. The recent thunderstorms worry me though. You know how during the rainy season we always get lots of news about tourists dying when their tour coaches get buried in mudslides? I hope that doesn't happen. I'm fine with dying but I don't think everyone would be very happy if my grandparents died too. The bitchy relatives would look around for someone to blame and my parents would take the fall. Families are troublesome. You can't really die in peace knowing that your whole extended family is going to be bitchy and pushing blame around for your death.

I'm looking out the window and I can see that another thunderstorm is on the way. I can smell the rain.

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