Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Last night, LL, Doggy, Jun and I met up for dinner. Belle joined us afterwards and we went to the NUS campus to visit Belle's and LL's rooms. LL showed us porn on her laptop. She is Sick man! Jun was very disturbed by the graphic Korean pornography. I wasn't surprised because I know LL well. You see, it's like this: I'm the vulgar one who spews bad language everywhere I go. I'm quite filthy-minded but nowhere as bad as LL. Jun is not vulgar and only a little dirty-minded compared to LL. LL is not vulgar but has the filthiest mind ever. She can find sexual connotations in every sentence you utter. And of course, she likes porn. haha weird shit man... As for Grace, well, she is the one who sent LL the porn movie. So, even though she sits there quietly with her big Harry Potter eyes, we must not be deluded into thinking that her mind is squeaky clean. And Belle just sits there, completely absorbed in the movie.
Ahhhhh... poor puritanical Shan, she must love us a lot.

I got back late last night. And this morning I had to start trying to wake up at 6am (waking up takes time ok!). Finally succeeded at 6.30am. Made it out of the house in time to reach the airport at 8.30am to send off Jun. She is coming back again soon! Yeah!

To all those who don't know:

Madam Jun has proven her architectural talent by winning an apprenticeship with some big shot Japanese architect working in Singapore. Don't play play! Ah ma is proud of Jun. She will design The Family Home when the time comes.

I had a nice lunch at an Indian restaurant with my parents. Everything was yummy. But I was almost assassinated by the hot-ness of the fish head curry.

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