Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The moral of the story is that everyone should start using voice over internet programs like Skype. Cos it gives you
1. The freedom of calling your family from overseas without worrying about the cost
2. The freedom of hanging up during a call when you're pissed off without worrying about the cost
3. The freedom of hanging up when your family calls you because you are pissed off without worrying about the cost
Yah! So everyone should start using things like Skype and Voipstunt.
And the thing I really like about my sister is that she's the type of person that you can hate and kill without feeling guilty about it two days later. Cos she's such an irritating little shit. But, hey, little shits have their purpose in life too! Without them around to exterminate, you would have to vent your murderous urges on innocent people... Then you would have guilt to contend with. So, for a guilt-free murder spree, murder a little shit such as she. hahaha.
Ok, now back to work on the damned essay. Hey mei, what was that you said about alleles again?
Monday, September 17, 2007
I wanted to escape from my big pile of books and articles for a while so I thought, "hey why not updated my blog?". So now I'm here and I realise that actually, I don't really have anything to say. Mainly because nothing has changed in my monotonous existence! I'm still here, still trying to do my essay and class still haven't started. Isn't it amazing how life can stagnant and leave you thinking if today is really today or is it still yesterday? What are days and what are weeks when you have no timetable to follow, no appointments to keep? What are hours if you have no set time to wake up, sleep or eat? This is the ultimate torture for me, cos I hate being bored and I hate everyday being the same. Life is actually realy boring, in spite of what I tell Azeena (that I pick up random hot girls and guys from the clubs and get them drunk to bring home). Hey, I wish, man, I wish.
Friday, September 14, 2007
What does your handwriting say about YOU?
The results of your analysis say:
You fill every waking moment with activity.
You are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough.
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.
Haha I got the link from my darling's blog! Muacks! Will someone who knows me please tell me if it's accurate or not. One thing to consider though, it's damn bloody hard to write your own name with a trackpad!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
My mummy: I've been looking at hay-making machines on youtube. They're really interesting!
Me: What do you want to look at hay-making machines for?
Mummy: Just like to see how they work. One machine rolls up the hay and another one wraps it up in plastic.
Me: Really? That's strange. The machines here are quite different.
Mummy: Hmmm... Is the hay there the round kind of the cube shaped kind?
Me: I don't know but the machines work differently.
Mummy: How?
Me: You press the button and it goes: HEY! YO! HELLO! WAZZUP!
Mummy: Idiot.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Some funny things are happening at home though. My messed up little sister has become some Yoga master freak and locks herself in her room all day doing yoga. Weirdass. She has some instructor diploma in it so please ask for her contacts if you can pay well and want to learn yoga. I personally have something against yoga. Maybe it is a remnant from the days of being taught by the worst geography teacher ever, whose name was Pang Sai (Shitting). Man was she cuckoo in the head. She enthused about yoga all lesson while supposedly teaching us stuff, drank about 20 litres of water a day to stop her shriveled prune self from withering away and had strange ideas about the solar plexus. Yeah. I'm absolutely freaking out about the fact that my own blood kin is on her way to become such as Pang Sai. My mummy says the little bugger goes on and on about wanting to go on a trip to India and has started translating Sanskrit texts or someshit. Oh and did I mention that she is becoming sort of vegetarian? I mean, how long more will it be before she starts eating tao gay exclusively and decides to run off to India to find Nirvana and the Cradle of Civilisation. I'm truly worried. So I point my finger and say, 'FREAK!'
Monday, August 27, 2007
I'm bored here... so I look at cool stuff online.
My mummy recently bought this thing for my brother. It's really cool. Lego Mindstorms NXT 8527 is this state-of-the-art robot thing that can be programmed to do whatever the hell you want it to do! It comes with easy programming software but you can also write your own programs at different levels of abstraction to make it do weird stuff. How come my lego consisted of little coloured blocks that could only be made into houses and castles? How come I didn't get the Intelligent 32-bit microprocessor Birck? or the Light Sensor Brick? I also don't remember the touch sensor, sound sensor,ultrasonic sensor, usb connection and bluetooth brick. Damn. I must have been a really deprived kid.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Apparently, I'm a primitive ball of testosterone
Thursday, August 02, 2007
So, as some of you might know, I was digging for three weeks on this really sandy site. This is how we worked. Of course I'm not in the photo, dumbass, I was taking it.
And after three weeks, I buggered off to another site where I set up and tent and enjoyed looking at bones for a week (not digging!)
I met some nice people.
And I met some wacky people.
Who liked to do wacky things!
I was beguiled by a beautiful girl. Who wasn't.
Check out the video here:
Miss all of you buggers back home! Until next time!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
To the grandkids: I'm not going back this mid-year. So you won't get your well-deserved whacks til the end of year. Sorry!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Grilled chicken breast with garlic, basil
- 2 chicken breasts
- Few sprig of basil (3-4)
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- a bit of butter
- some olive oil
- lemon of lime juice
- salt
-black pepper
Garnish - cheddar cheese
- roasted pine nuts
preheat oven to 200 C
take two nice chicken breasts, wash and trim off the yucky bloody bits. make a slit in the middle lengthways but don't half it.(like a croissant)
then, rub with salt and pepper and lemon or lime juice and leave to marinate.
take a few sprigs of basil (use more if your plant is threatening to suffocate you! like mine).
take 2-3 cloves of garlic (eh don't forget to peel first).
piece of butter about enough for 2 pieces of kaya toast (15-20g)
enough olive oil to make it into a paste
and dump in the chopper machine.
then, pour away the excess lime/lemon juice from the chicken breast/s
whack the green basil/garlic goo on to the chicken. make sure it's coated all over and stuff some into the lengthways slit (more the better)
put onto the oven grill rack thing. remember to put foil or something below so the oil doesn't have too much fun in the oven.
grill each side for about 10 minutes until it looks cooked and you can be sure you won't die.
take out.
put on plate.
grate cheddar cheese over it.
sprinkle roasted pine nuts
put in mouth, chew and swallow.
drink some water. don't choke
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Here are some pictures for you to salivate over. Please wipe computer keyboard after dribbling.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Check out the hi-visibility vest and my purple glove. The red and white thing is not a javelin. It's a ranging pole. Welcome to archaeological site photography.
While walking to the site, I loudly mentioned an "Asian Invasion" which made my lecturer turn around and give me a funny look. Lucky I was looking too completely Asian to be accused of racism. And I was set loose on the site with my group, holding my tiny, high-megapixel camera and snapping about a hundred shots per minute.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Oh man! My friend Basil is incredible. At first, my sister thought that my demands would exceed his capacity. However, I've been cutting and eating him like no one's business and he just keeps growing and growing like no one's business. I cut and eat and the next morning, I wake up to find him in full luxuriant growth again! Amazing plant! I feed him lots of plant food so that the soil in the pot doesn't get depleted with him using up all the nutrients.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Still on the subject of food, here's the first pie I've ever made. Created sometime during the last holidays when I got bored. It contained everything I could find in my kitchen : chicken, ham, spinach, mushrooms and cheese. It also had little pieces of freeze-dried carrot which came from the packet soup that I used to make the sauce. Haha I miss this pie. I should make one again after my exam.

I have an exam on Tuesday. It's an open exam and I think I might fail cos some asshole took all the books out of the library and I only got the irrelevant shitty ones :( too bad.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Anyway, I'm going to Northern Ireland to find Mr Seamus Heaney tomorrow!!! I'm so excited. Nah... I lied. I'm not going to find Seamus Heaney. But I AM going to Northern Ireland. YAY!! Still every exciting. I promise to upload at least some pics when I get back.
Life's been too boring recently, I need this break.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
When you live a boring routine life like I do, every change is monumental and anything that can spice up your existence is fun. Back to the boring old days. You know, some people might think that handling real human bones of different types (adult, child, baby, cremated) is fun and interesting. But it's just another day at work for me.
I shall have to find something fun to do.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
LL's (the sucker) Adventure
So the first day LL came to York, she arrived in the afternoon. Amazingly, I was on time to meet her at the station. However, her bus had arrived early and so she made it seem as though I was late again. What a sucker. The marriage was doomed from the start.
So we walked into a pub where LL had sausages and mash and I had mushrooms with garlic bread. Before that, we had filled out bags with salmon for dinner. For dinner, I invited my friend Mehdi along.
We all had tepanyaki and were damn amused when things crackled and sizzled and threatened to kill us. That was our 'Reunion Dinner'
On Thursday, LL's second day in York, I had to attend a seminar in the afternoon and was forced to leave her alone in the city for 2 hours. I really shouldn't have done that. I should have been with her to keep an eye on her and protect the peace-loving citizens of York.
While I was stuck in King's Manor giving a presentation, LL dressed up as a Viking and went marauding in the city. She caused so much trouble that the local police officers had to arrest her and lock her up.
When I got out of class, I got a call from the police asking me to go down to the station to bail LL out. I didn't have the cash so I decided to try to break LL out of the station without paying the bond. Unfortunately, the escape was badly planned and we both ended up in jail for the night.
They let us out the next morning and we felt it would be best if we left town for a while. So we fled to the lovely seaside settlement of Whitby. We took a bus to Whitby. A 2 hour bus. LL was ok since she got used to 6 hour bus rides. But I was dying as usual. LL tried to sleep and Mehdi and I kept kachiao-ing her until she wanted to kill us. Then we let her sleep for about 10 mins. Then kachiao her again...
At Whitby, we met Grace. Grace was looking quite cute so we took photos of her. Hi Grace!
We climed up to the cliff where the ruins of Whitby Abbey were. Having just escaped from York Dungeon, LL and I were still quite attitude. See:
After killing Mehdi, we buried him in the graveyard behind Whitby Abbey. It was a grave mistake.
The obvious solution was to bury her in the same graveyard so she revived as one of the undead too. We then continued our tour of the ruins. We met some fluffly and nice yellow ducks. Obviously, our two extremely mature, 21+ yr old friends had to do silly things like talk to ducks.
On Saturday, we decided to be lazy and wake up late. We then took a train to Leeds. this time, we didn't kill Mehdi as we needed his services.
Because we went to eat in some funky Iranian restaurant where all the people were speaking Persian. Luckily the three of us were unanimous in our decisions. What did we want for lunch? Food. Food. Food. So ok, no problem.
Eat and sleep, like a little pig.
There was a lot of food. Seriously a lot of food. Look at that whole lot of rice left on LL's plate. She didn't finish her food. There was that much... It was good and cheap. For less than the price of a pub meal, we feasted like kings. You should have seen the food but we ate all the good-looking ones up. Maybe LL has pictures?
That night, I banished LL from the kitchen and baked her a brownie cake with blueberries on it. It was a pre-mix pack and I still managed to screw it up. I can cook many things. but the simplest baking thing will kill me. Why is baking so complicated??? Anyway, everyone politely pretended that the cake wasn't gooey and uncooked and that was our dinner. Of course, we were on sugar high after that. Me and LL didn't sleep til 3am. *we had lots of bedroom fun* ;)
The next morning after breakfast, LL and I took the bus to the station. We were early. So we went to the National Railway Museum. LL looked like an idiot who had gone to the wrong place. With her HUGE backpack, she was obviously heading someplace. It just looked like she was trying to board the exhibit trains... haha.
And at last, it was time for me to get rid of her. I kicked her into the path of an oncoming bus and this was her last pitiful look before she fell. Bye Liling!!!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Then, at night, the snow stopped. I went for caving training at the sports centre. When it was time to walk back, the temperature was around Siberian degrees celsius and all the melted ice had frozen. The grassy fields were plains of crunchy frozen plants. It was so foggy that every time I exhaled, I blew myself a personal cloud.
Luckily, when I reached my flat at 10.30pm, I was able to go to the fridge and get out the ingredients I had diligently prepared earlier and make a pizza! Completely homemade, including the crust. Yummy!!!
And thus I was saved from misery.