Monday, November 27, 2006

The Christmas Trees have been put up! There are two big ones in the city and this what they look like:


Thursday, November 23, 2006

King's manor was vandalised overnight. This led to the cancellation of my laboratory session this afternoon and this means I have time to study for tomorrow's mock exam. Thank God for strange favours at weird times. Procrastination is a risky business.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm going back to the S'pore in less than a month and I'm feeling some trepidation. Can't say if I will like it back home after such a long time away. I was last home in March. So that's about 9 months away.

In this time, I have led a life so different from the one I used to have in Singapore that I'm afraid I might not be able to feel comfortable at home anymore. It's a scary thought when you don't know if home will still feel like home anymore.

I've lived a month in Greece.

I've enjoyed a British summer.

I've excavated on a farmer's land.

I've savoured the Northern cold.

I've toured Scotland.

I've explored many a cave.
(no picture yet)

And I've been cooking all my meals from scratch.

I've also met many colourful characters. (no pictures here as "colourful" characters include murderous psychopaths).

And strange things have happened. There are stranger ones, but a lack of photographic evidence might limit my credibility.

Very excited about going home but also a little wary. However, don't worry, I will start my Christmas shopping soon. There will be presents aplenty.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hello. No explanations given for the absence.

Sinny just started a blog, the link is on the left. Do visit, it's nice. Even though she is a tad excitable and emotional. But that's just her.

Speaking of emotional... XY has been emotional lately. In the sad way. I feel bad that I can't be there to sayang her. She's my girl after all.

My sister is back home pigging out. She said that she ate all the food in Singapore so I guess you guys back home must be starving. The stupid pig. I'll sort her out when I get back. Show her whose boss. Show her what REAL eating is like! haha

My existence has been not bad. Not as exciting as I would like it to be, but not to bad either. You know, me the thrill junkie.

I went to a bonfire on the week where they had the Guy Fawkes thing. It was cool! Or rather, HOT! HUGE FIRE!!! I overheard a guy next to me saying, " It's a strange feeling, your front feels hot and your back feels cold" And this is exactly how it feels like to stand facing a huge fire on a frosty evening.
Click on the picture to make it bigger. Looks more impressive that way.

Going back a bit more, on Halloween's night, my flat mates had this crazy idea which we carried out due to boredom and being students. Someone would hide in a big box outside. The rest of us hid around the corner and gave a cough every time some poor bastard walked past. Then, BOOOOOOO!!!!! We scared a few and amused a few. One guy just said, " What the Fuck??!?" So that was fun :)

Going back even more to before term start. Man! When I think about how not too long ago, I was flying my little kite in Scotland much to the amusement of the tour guide and three Spanish guys who were on the same tour, I feel like the world is a good place.

When I think about how I was sitting by the shores of Loch Ness, looking for the big monster, I think the world is a weird place.

When I remember how one night, I was sitting on the steps leading down to the River Ness eating a pizza, I feel that life has been good to me.

And I remember how I finished my pizza and sat staring at the bridge drinking a can of Sprite (in my unique way of drinking soft drink like it's vodka), an old geezer came over to talk me out of jumping into the river.
"Whatever's happened, don't do it!",
I know that the world is a strange place and weirdness abounds in all lands.